얼마전에 스페인 국왕이 베네주엘라 대통령인 차베즈에게 "입닥쳐 (shut-up)"라고 공개석상에서 말한적이 있었습니다.
왠일로 차베즈 아저씨가 가만이 있네라고 생각했더니 역시나 오늘 기사를 보니 바로 복수를 했군요.
그러니까 자기 나라에 들어와 있는 스페인 국영석유사인 Repsol을 쫒아내겠다고 그것도 우익이 승리를 한다면 이라는 핑계를 대고 말이죠.
역시나 차베즈 아저씨 단순한 매력이 있습니다.
아래는 기사원문이고 출처는 Upstream Online 입니다.

Chavez issues Repsol threat
By Upstream staff
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on the weekend he would kick Spanish oil company Repsol out of the country if a right-wing government returns to power in Spain.
The threat was an escalation of a spat last month between Chavez and King Juan Carlos of Spain, in which the king publicly told him to "shut up" during a summit meeting held in Chile.
"If the right wins again, forget the Spanish. Forget them.Repsol would have to leave," Chavez told reporters.
Chavez froze diplomatic ties with Spain over the king's rebuke and threatened to take over some of the investments of Spanish companies that operate in Venezuela's banking, telecommunications and oil sectors.
On Saturday Chavez said he would cut off oil shipments to the US if it interferes with a Sunday referendum on Chavez's proposal that he be allowed to remain president as long as he keeps winning elections, Reuters reported.